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The problem with injuries is not just the pain you experience when they happen. It’s also the long recovery time afterwards, which prevents you from living your life the way you want to.
We have an innovative solution that may help: stem cell therapy. This is a form of regenerative medicine that harnesses your body’s natural healing processes to help you heal from your injuries by rebuilding damaged tissues and relieving your pain.
Dr. Gayan Poovendran and our team at PRO Institute are experts in using stem cell therapy to accelerate your healing process. Here’s how we do it.
Stem cells are special types of cells in your body with two important characteristics: They can make more cells like themselves; and they can become other cells to perform various functions in the body (such as blood, bone, or muscle cells).
The idea behind stem cell therapy to treat an injury is to harvest stem cells from your own bone marrow and adipose (fat) tissue. We then inject these cells into the injury site (guided by ultrasound imaging) to jumpstart your body’s natural healing response.
The stem cells not only promote new cell generation, which brings strength and healing, they also help repair tissues that have been damaged or have degenerated over time. Your body would naturally go through this healing process on its own; stem cell therapy simply speeds up the timeline.
The goal is not just to mask your pain, but to treat the root cause of the problem, providing long-term relief.
It’s effective for many types of injuries, including osteoarthritis in your shoulder, hip, and knee, tennis elbow, meniscus and rotator cuff tears, and much more.
When you come in for your appointment, we’ll obtain the stem cells from bone marrow in one of your pelvic bones or from your adipose tissue. We’ll use a centrifuge to concentrate the stem cells and platelets and then use ultrasound guidance to inject the cells into the most effective points around the injury.
You will experience some discomfort and stiffness for two or three days after the procedure — you should arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure. As you heal, only take Tylenol for pain relief. Ice and anti-inflammatories will lessen the effectiveness of the treatment.
During the next weeks and months, you’ll experience decreased pain and improved functioning from the injured area. While every patient’s situation is different, you will likely need multiple treatments for maximum benefit.
If you’re interested in treating your injury with stem cell therapy, our team at PRO Institute is ready to help. You can get started with a call to our Davie, Florida, office at 305-209-1951, or feel free to request your own appointment time with our online scheduler.