
PRP Hair Restoration

PRP Hair Restoration services offered in Davie, FL

PRP Hair Restoration
lotus flower

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) accelerates healing in sports medicine, and its powerful growth factors have also been discovered to treat hair loss. If you want to counter thinning and enjoy thicker hair, Gayan Poovendran, MD, and our team provide PRP hair restoration at PRO Institute in Davie, Florida. Schedule a PRP hair restoration evaluation at PRO Institute by booking an appointment through our website or calling our office today.

What is PRP hair restoration?

PRP hair restoration relies on the growth factors in your blood’s platelets. Platelets help your body recover from injuries, and PRO Institute uses these healing properties to improve scalp circulation, reactivate hair follicles, and stimulate new growth. Nourishing targeted areas results in faster growth and thicker, stronger hair shafts that resist breakage and thinning. Each PRP treatment utilizes actual platelets, and your provider can provide a platelet count.

Am I a candidate for PRP hair restoration?

While male balding is often discussed, women also struggle with thinning hair, slow growth, and poor hair texture. Regardless of your gender, you may benefit from PRP hair restoration if you:

  • Have any form of alopecia
  • Experience high levels of stress
  • Have started noticing hair loss (the sooner you seek treatment, the better)
  • Have thinning hair but are not entirely bald

Your provider may recommend trying a different therapy if you are on blood thinners or have certain medical conditions.

Where do the platelets for PRP hair restoration come from?

To start, your provider draws a sample of your blood and places it into a centrifuge. As it spins, the blood separates into distinct components, allowing your provider to extract the protein-rich plasma and platelets. The resulting substance contains concentrated levels of growth factors to stimulate and heal your scalp.

What can I expect from PRP hair restoration treatments?

Before your procedure, eat a nutritious breakfast and drink plenty of water, especially if you’re prone to nausea during blood draws. Shampoo and condition your hair to remove excess grease or dirt and prepare your scalp for the PRP injections. To make you as comfortable as possible, your provider numbs and prepares the treatment area. Once the PRP is ready, they gently inject it into your scalp so the growth factors can begin stimulating improved circulation, hair growth, and healing. PRP hair restoration treatments usually take 60-90 minutes, and your provider creates a treatment schedule personalized to your needs. You may notice thicker and healthier hair after a few months, with full results visible in 6-12 months.