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Ozone Therapy

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone, a natural gas present in the Earth's atmosphere, plays a crucial role in shielding us from harmful ultraviolet solar rays. What may come as a surprise is that ozone holds significant medicinal uses. While the air we breathe primarily consists of two combined oxygen molecules (O2), ozone is composed of three oxygen molecules (O3).

Medicinal Ozone Therapy harnesses the power of ozone for therapeutic purposes. This therapy involves the use of an Ozone generator, which combines oxygen and ozone. The generator achieves this by passing pure oxygen through a high-voltage, high-frequency electrical discharge, resulting in a gas mixture rich in concentrated ozone. The precise concentrations and dosages are skillfully adjusted and tailored to match the patient's condition, pathology, and treatment goals.

When Ozone comes into contact with the body, it initiates significant therapeutic changes. It has found application as an adjunct treatment across a wide spectrum of medical conditions. Ozone therapy is not only a powerful ally in medical treatment but also a strategy for anti-aging, performance enhancement for athletes, and a pathway to improved wellness and quality of life for those seeking better health.

How Does Ozone Therapy Work?

At PRO Institute, we employ Medical Ozone in a variety of modalities, each tailored to your specific needs and treatment goals. Ozone therapy offers a versatile array of approaches for enhancing your well-being:

1. Direct Injection for Targeted Healing: Ozone can be precisely injected into affected tissues, fostering accelerated healing and alleviating discomfort.

2. Synergizing with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): We combine Ozone therapy with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections to amplify its therapeutic effects, providing a holistic approach to your health and wellness.

3. Prolozone for Inflammation and Healing: In certain cases, Ozone therapy is seamlessly integrated with a prolotherapy solution, creating what is known as "Prolozone." This innovative approach is particularly effective in reducing inflammation and expediting the healing process.

4. Intravenous (IV) Autohemotherapy: For a systemic and potent treatment, we offer major autohemotherapy. This technique involves the intravenous administration of ozone, expertly mixed with your own blood, delivering a comprehensive and systemic boost to your well-being.

What Can I Expect?

Ozone Therapy is a dynamic medical approach hinging on the unique properties of ozone—a highly oxidative and reactive gas. At therapeutic concentrations, Medical Ozone exhibits a profound impact on your body, acting as a catalyst for various physiological responses.

The Potential Benefits of Medical Ozone Therapy:

  1. Modulation of Your Immune System: Ozone therapy has the capacity to fine-tune your immune responses, optimizing your body's defense mechanisms.

  2. Activation of Antioxidant Mechanisms: Ozone triggers your body's innate antioxidant defenses, fortifying its ability to combat oxidative stress.

  3. Tissue Oxygenation: It promotes the efficient oxygenation of your tissues, enhancing cellular vitality.

  4. Metabolic Activation: Ozone activates your metabolic processes, supporting overall energy production and well-being.

  5. Improved Circulation: It facilitates enhanced blood circulation, contributing to your body's vitality.

  6. Inflammation Reduction: Ozone therapy serves as an anti-inflammatory agent, effectively mitigating inflammation throughout the body.

  7. Elevated Energy Levels: Through various mechanisms, ozone induces the release of substances like endorphins, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters, potentially bolstering your energy and mood.

The Science Behind Ozone Therapy:

  • Germicidal Properties: Ozone showcases direct antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial effects, bolstering your body's defense against harmful microorganisms.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Action: Ozone inhibits pro-inflammatory pathways in your body, contributing to overall wellness and alleviation of inflammatory conditions.

  • Enhanced Oxygen Metabolism: It optimizes the release of oxygen from red blood cells to oxygen-deprived tissues, improving blood flow and metabolic processes.

  • Antioxidant Support: Ozone acts as a catalyst for your body's natural antioxidant mechanisms, enhancing its resilience against oxidative stress.

  • Immune Enhancement: Ozone operates through various pathways to boost your body's immune responses, fortifying your ability to ward off infections and disease.

How do I Prepare?

At PRO Institute, we recognize that individualized care is at the heart of effective therapy. Our approach to Ozone therapy is tailored to each patient's unique needs. Your safety and well-being are paramount, and we work closely with you and your healthcare team to ensure the most personalized treatment possible.

Prior to your procedure, we may recommend:

  • Medical History and Medications: Provide a detailed medical history to your ozone therapy specialist, including any current medications and supplements you are taking. This information is vital for tailoring your treatment.

  • Blood Thinner Adjustment: If you're taking blood-thinning medications, consult with your healthcare provider to see if it's safe to temporarily discontinue them before the treatment. Stopping blood thinners, if cleared by your doctor, can reduce the risk of side effects during ozone therapy.

  • NSAID Avoidance: On the day of your ozone therapy procedure, it's advisable to avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, and Meloxicam. NSAIDs can potentially interfere with the therapeutic effects of ozone.

  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is crucial. In the days leading up to your ozone therapy, aim to consume at least 60 ounces (around 1.8 liters) of fluids daily. Proper hydration is essential for the therapy's effectiveness and helps your body detoxify.  

  • Post-Therapy: Ozone therapy is a process that may present temporary challenges in the initial stages. It's not uncommon to experience transient discomfort or malaise. This can be effectively managed through proper hydration and allowing your body's natural detoxification processes to take place.


Treatment Areas

1. Illness

Through its many biological functions, Ozone can help a patient recover more quickly from viral infections, bacterial infections, and fungal infections.  It does this by augmenting your immune system as well as killing pathogens directly.

2. Sports Recovery 

Through anti-inflammatory effects, oxygen delivery effects, and immune-boosting effects, Ozone therapy can help you during all phases of your training program, making workouts more effective, and recovery quicker.

3. Anit-Aging

Through anti-oxidant, oxygen delivery, and metabolic effects, Ozone therapy can help improve the quality of life in patients by making them feel better and more energetic.

4. Health Maintenance 

As part of a wellness routine, ozone therapy can be utilized to help patients feel more energetic, more alert, recover from activity faster, and fight off infections.

5. Arthritis Pain

Through anti-inflammatory effects as well as analgesic effects, ozone use has been shown to help patients with joint pain.



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