

A2M services offered in Davie, FL

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When faced with pain and limited joint function, finding lasting relief becomes a top priority. At PRO Institute in Davie, Florida, regenerative sports medicine specialist Gayan Poovendran, MD, and our team offers a range of treatment options, including Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (A2M) injections. Learn more during a personalized consultation, which you can schedule online or over the phone in just moments. 

What is in A2M injections?

Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (A2M) is a molecule found naturally in your blood. Produced by your liver, A2M is an extracellular macromolecule researchers believe binds to destructive enzymes, effectively neutralizing them. Except for immunoglobulins (antibodies), alpha 2 Macroglobulin is the largest protein in human plasma. 

If you and Dr. Poovendran decide that A2M injections are best for your therapeutic journey, the process begins with a simple blood draw. Similar to creating platelet-rich plasma (PRP), the blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the solid components from the liquid plasma. 

However, the technology used to create A2M goes further, filtering the cleared plasma and concentrating the A2M molecules. This step allows Dr. Poovendran to inject A2M directly into inflamed and damaged joints and tissue.  

How could A2M injections help treat painful conditions?

Proteases are enzymes that play essential roles in the metabolic process by breaking down proteins. However, proteases can also break down cartilage and other joint tissues, especially when those tissues have already sustained damage. 

A2M injections provide a method of inactivating potentially harmful proteases. When injected near injured tissue, A2M works by binding to proteases and removing them. 

It’s critical to stop taking all anti-inflammatory medications before your treatment, including over-the-counter drugs commonly used as pain relievers. Certain supplements, including ginger, fish oil, and turmeric, should also be avoided before A2M treatment. 

What are some conditions that might respond well to A2M injections?

When you rely on Dr. Poovendran and our team at PRO Institute for care, the process always begins with a comprehensive assessment of the factors that cause or contribute to your pain and other symptoms. 

Once the provider identifies the source of symptoms, they craft a customized treatment plan. Some of the conditions that are a good fit for A2M treatment include:

  • Herniated disc
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Torn meniscus
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spinal injuries
  • Sciatica
  • Joint injuries

If you’re struggling with joint pain or limited joint function, help is available. Call PRO Institute office to make an appointment with an administrative professional. Online booking is also an option and available any time of day.