

Supershot services offered in Davie, FL

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Your body has a powerful ability to heal itself, and thanks to advanced medical technology, treatments like the SuperShot® help harness that power. At PRO Institute in Davie, Florida, regenerative sports medicine specialist Gayan Poovendran, MD, and our team proudly offers the SuperShot as one of many regenerative therapies. Call the office today to schedule a visit or book an appointment using the online scheduling tool. 

How is the SuperShot different from “regular” PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) —  a concentrated solution of platelets from your blood — is among the most exciting innovations in regenerative medicine and helps leverage your healing abilities to achieve measurable results. 

The process of creating PRP begins with a simple blood draw. That sample goes into a medical centrifuge that spins the blood at a high rate of speed. This spinning causes the solids within your blood to separate from the liquid plasma. A technician can isolate the platelets and reintroduce them into the now-cleared plasma. 

This process does not capture the low-density extracellular vesicles found within your plasma. These tiny fluid-filled sacs are vital in transferring DNA, proteins, and RNA. The SuperShot is created by continuing to spin your blood sample longer than the time needed to create PRP. 

This patent-pending two-phase system enables the provider to capture hundreds of billions of extracellular vesicles. 

What are some of the potential uses for SuperShot?

The SuperShot can boost your natural healing process across various musculoskeletal injuries. Many of the same issues are treated using PRP and can benefit from SuperShot treatments. 

Some of the potential uses for the SuperShot include:

  • Partial tendon tears
  • Chronic tendinopathy
  • Knee sprains
  • Osteoarthritis

Research indicates that the SuperShot can help treat hair loss, prompting your body to develop new hair growth. 

Are SuperShot injections safe?

When administered by our highly skilled physician, Dr. Poovendran, SuperShot treatment is safe. One of the reasons why this advanced treatment is so popular is the fact that it gets created from your body’s tissues. 

This process means your body is unlikely to reject treatments. Creating the SuperShot takes place during the same visit and within the same office, so there is little risk of contamination. 

SuperShot injections are no more risky than any other injection. Our team at PRO Institute performs all injections using the highest standards of sterility. 

When you’re ready to explore how the SuperShot might work for you, contact the office online or over the phone to set up a one-on-one consultation. It takes just moments to book a visit, bringing you one step closer to lasting relief from musculoskeletal pain.